Well-remembered French classic make a big splash in ChinaWell-remembered French classic make a big splash in ChinaOne of the most translated novellas globally, The Little Prince has reportedly found its way into 253 languages and dialects, selling as many as 200 million copies, but has rarely been made into a film.

China awaits remake of Only YouChina awaits remake of Only YouThe upcoming romance comedy Only You, supervised by veteran filmmaker Feng Xiaogang, recently reveals its backstory in anticipation of it…

Shaun of the cityShaun of the cityBased on the popular British animated TV series about Shaun, a relatively small yet smart sheep, Shaun the Sheep Movie will hit Chinese m…

China's watchdog approves the return of 'Big Bang Theory'China's watchdog approves the return of 'Big Bang Theory'According to a press release by Sohu TV, The Big Bang Theory has become the first American TV series this year to be approved by the Stat…

Obsessed with the movesObsessed with the movesIt hasn't waltzed into market triumph yet, but the Beijing Dance Festival is still kicking seven years after its inception.

Play time for stars of Modernsky NowPlay time for stars of Modernsky NowMusic fans can enjoy a series of live shows presented by the country's largest indie music label over the summer.

Xinhua News Agency, Yanqi Lake hold photography competitionXinhua News Agency, Yanqi Lake hold photography competitionThe opening ceremony of the First National Tourism Photography Competition was held on Saturday at Beijing's suburban Yanqi Lake scenic s…

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